Bantam Materials Yearly Bottle Collections From At Risk Environments













*Calculated as 40 bottles per kg

Established in 2011, Bantam Materials UK Ltd. is a full service recycled plastic supply business committed to sustainability. In 2015, Bantam UK managed to pay for the recycling of over a billion bottles in a calendar year for the first time. Since hitting that milestone, Bantam has been above that level every year since. We take great pride in the care, reliability, and quality required to achieve these levels year over year. We are proud of the experience of our team working with developing countries and are keen to share that expertise with you.

Bantam goes where RPET recycling is significantly needed in order to prevent these bottles from entering the ocean and environment.

80-90% of plastic that ends up in the ocean originates from developing countries

*Source: World Economic Forum 2019.

Projections suggest that by 2050, our oceans will contain more plastic by weight than fish.

*Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Bantam’s Achievements

There are numerous developing countries where Bantam is the largest single buyer of the recycled PET produced in the entire country.
Introduced RPET to industrial clients in new regions, providing the first ever RPET flake deliveries to that market.
Working with our partners, Bantam has developed a cashflow funding programme to promote and increase grassroots bottle collection efforts.
First buyer of recycled PET from multiple countries to help get bottle recycling off the ground.
Bantam has developed a customised bottle deposit system for non-first-world economies where no formal recycling exists, built from extensive comparative analysis from various existing models.
Bantam Chaired the European RPET Recycling conference in 2017 (ICIS).
Helped some of Europe’s biggest RPET consumers achieve 100% recycled content in their packaging.
Bantam has engaged with multiple governments at the highest levels to promote the deposit concept and discuss solutions for various recycling issues.
One of the only fully REACH Registered companies in Europe working with the developing world on RPET supply.